Stouffer's Chicken Lasagna?
It takes a long time to bake, but works great for those days when actually cooking dinner isn't going to happen. It's surprisingly tasty. Just ask Lauren. She ate a TON of it the other night for dinner. I didn't know her stomach could hold that much food. It's full of carrots, peppers and spinach - and it showed. This picture doesn't quite do the experience justice. She was covered from her head to her toes and I was too by the time I got her to the tub.
It takes a long time to bake, but works great for those days when actually cooking dinner isn't going to happen. It's surprisingly tasty. Just ask Lauren. She ate a TON of it the other night for dinner. I didn't know her stomach could hold that much food. It's full of carrots, peppers and spinach - and it showed. This picture doesn't quite do the experience justice. She was covered from her head to her toes and I was too by the time I got her to the tub.

But that's okay ... 'cause it gave her lots of energy for her new trick: running around the house. And I do mean run. Eleven months old and this girl went from cruising around the room to sprinting around the house in the blink of an eye. Where does the time go?

She's adorable with dolls and stuffed animals too. She puts them on her shoulder and gives them little love taps. So fun, until she thinks she's big enough to carry loads of toys up the stairs.
Slow down there Lauren!

I remember you telling me how good that lasagna was, but couldn't remember what it was when I was at the store. We'll have to try it. I can't believe she's running all over! She's never has held still though. Keep the post comin'.